A Winters Tale II – Pelling

Travel creates memories that last a lifetime. As we left the outskirts of Gangtok, we were both still immersed in thoughts of the lovely time we spent at Changu Lake. On our drive to Pelling, we planned to take a longer route going through Namchi, which is renowned for its beautiful tea gardens. Our driver, Vishnu, a very charming Nepali chap, made our trip to Pelling even more entertaining. All through the next three days, he kept us entertained with his jolly stories. I am going to leave his phone # below in the faqs, so anyone interested can contact him.

Temi Tea Gardens, Ravangla

We reached Temi Tea Gardens at around 11 a.m. The drive to Temi took us through lush green mountain slopes lined with ferns. The beautifully landscaped and manicured tea garden is a visual treat. The fascinating beauty of the tea plantation along-with with 180-degree views of Mt. Kangchenjunga thrilled us to no end. A plaque mentioned that the tea garden is run by the Government of Sikkim and they have done a fascinating job.

The tea from these gardens carries a premium the world over for its exotic flavor. We each had a cup of tea at the only shop around. Mani bought a couple of flavors including one Oolong flavor. Vishnu volunteered to take a few pictures of the picturesque gardens behind us.

In February, the Namchi Garden hosts an annual flower show. The prime attraction of this show is the display of exotic and rare orchids. After a lovely cup of tea, we drove on to our next destination: Samdruptse.

Padmasambhava, Samdruptse

From Temi, we headed towards Samdruptse hill in Namchi. We drove about an hour along winding roads to reach the Samdruptse hill. In the local Bhutia language, Samdruptse translates into “wish-fulfilling hill.” We got down at the gate and started walking towards the top. A few minutes into the path, we could see the gigantic statue of Guru Padmasambhava in a meditation pose. At 120 ft tall, it is said to be the highest statue of Guru Padmasambhava in the world. The statue has a fleet of stairs from where one can climb upward to a platform near the statue’s lap. There is a brick Chorten on the side. In front of the giant statue is another smaller statue of Padmasambhava in a different avatar. We stayed there for some time looking at the masterpiece against the beautiful blue sky.

There is a small room towards the right. Inside some devotees were lighting butter lamps. A lamp offering carries the wish to attain Buddha-hood and the aspiration to recognize the clear light at the time of death. We joined them in lighting the lamps. We later came to know that for each lamp you light, one has to pay Rs. 10.00. as donation. By that time we had already lit 35 lamps πŸ™‚

We would have loved to spend some more time here but we moved on as we still had a lot of distance to cover for Pelling.

Solophok Chardham Temple Complex, Namchi

Char Dham complex is situated about 5 km from the town of Namchi on Solophok Hill. However one should not assume the time to travel based on the distance in the hills. It took us over an hour to reach the Char Dham complex. From here if one looks hard, one can see the Guru Padmasambhava on Samdruptse hill in the distance. The principal deity at the Char Dham complex is Lord Shiva. It is believed that during the battle of Kurukshetra, Arjuna came here to worship Lord Shiva.

It is also believed that Shiva, pleased with Arjuna, appeared before him in the guise of a hunter and blessed him. The complex contains the 12 Jyotirlingas, four miniature replicas of the Char Dhams and a huge Nandi bull. The sprawling complex also has arrangements for staying over at the Yatri Niwas Guest House. Bags are not allowed inside and I had a hard time convincing the security at the gate that the backpack I was lugging around was just a camera bag.

The complex has high security and one has to leave the bags outside. I had a hard time convincing security that the backpack I was carrying was a camera bag. Eventually, he did allow me in. We walked around the huge complex for some time. The whole complex was so clean, it felt I wasn’t in India anymore. Near the exit, one can find numerous shops selling souvenirs. As we headed back towards the car, we bought some key chains from one of them.

Buddha Park, Ravangla

Buddha Park is a fairly new addition to the tourist places. It was recommended to us by the guide/driver who took us to Changu Lake and we were not disappointed. The Buddha Park hosts a stunningly beautiful statue of Sakyamuni Buddha. This was the third huge statue we had seen that day. The park area is beautifully landscaped with ample walkways and space for visitors to enjoy the serene surroundings. Set in a picturesque location, the park offers an unmatched view of the Khangchendzonga range just behind the towering Buddha statue and the spiritual ambiance of the location adds to the tranquility.

There is a temple below the statue. Unfortunately, cameras are not allowed inside. As I entered,  I felt peace. Right in the center of the room is a life-sized golden idol of Buddha. A flight of circular stairs leads up to the second floor. The walls are covered in paintings depicting moments in Buddha’s life that eventually led him towards attaining true spirituality.

We roamed around the park. Towards the rear of the temple, some sections were still under construction. We didn’t want to leave, but the sun was setting and we still had to cover some 3 hrs drive to Pelling, so off we went reluctantly.

Hotel Elgin, Mt. Pandim

As we neared Pelling, the roads became worse, filled with potholes. Sun sets early in these eastern Hills and by the time we reached Pelling, it was totally dark at around 6 p.m. We went directly to the Hotel Elgin Mount Pandim. It’s on the top of a hill. We were in for a big surprise as we checked in. The Hotel was royalty. The lounge looked like a palatial living room.

A couple of fireplaces kept us warm in the breezy evening. Later I discovered that its previous owners were the royal family of Sikkim and the palace had been converted to a Hotel.

The rooms were luxurious. Beside the bed is a huge window. As I pulled the curtains, we were thrilled to see the magnificent Singalila range bathing in the moonlight. The food at the Hotel was lip-smacking. I can safely rate Hotel Elgin Mount Pandim as one of the more exotic hotels we have stayed in.

Day 2

Pemayangtse Monastery

I woke up early at dawn to watch the Singalila range during sunrise. It was magnificent to watch the orange rays of the sun creeping over the mountains as small pockets of clouds went past. A couple of foreigners were there along with cameras & tripods, catching the memorable view of the mountains. The view of the Kanchenjunga from this Hotel is the best one can get.

The three-hundred-year-old Pemayangtse Monastery is right next to the resort on the hilltop overlooking the Rebdentse ruins. The closeness of the monastery to our hotel was the main reason for staying at Hotel Elgin. One can just walk to the Pemayangtse in 5 minutes while the Rabdanste ruins are at a 10-minute drive.

The second oldest monastery of Sikkim and the headquarters of the Nyingmapa order of Tibetan Buddhism, Pemayangtse Monastery sits atop a ridge high above the Rangit river, surrounded by the brilliant snow-capped Himalayan peaks. The history of the monastery reads that it was founded in the 17th century by Lhatsun Chempo, one of the three lamas of the Yoksum and further expanded by his re-incarnate in the initial years of the 18th century. The monastery draws its name from “padma yang tse” which literally translates into the “sublime perfect lotus.”

A long line of fluttering prayer flags will welcomed us as we went up the hill. The three-storied monastery houses some wonderful paintings and other artwork. It also has a large collection of rare books. Photography is prohibited inside. On the top floor is a huge wooden miniature depiction of monks and monasteries.

Kanchenjunga Waterfall

From the top of Mt. Pandim, we drove down into the pleasant little town of Pelling. On the way to Kanchenjunga waterfall, we passed the Sewaro Rock Garden. I had listed it on our scheduled places to visit in Pelling, but it looked in ruins from lack of maintenance. On the way we also passed a few Orange groves laden with the citrus fruits. Beside one of the groves, few children were selling the freshly plucked fruit on the roadside. They were the tangiest Oranges I have ever tasted.

After an hours drive we finally reached Kanchenjunga waterfall. We had to park the car at a sharp curve some distance away. From there we had to walk up the stairs to reach the waterfall. Some local boys were helping tourists, making their way over some treacherous stones towards the waterfall. The main waterfall is surrounded by the hill on three sides. With so many tourists it was hard to move around. The Waterfall was flowing in full force and we were getting wet just by the thick droplets in the air. My camera lens was getting so foggy and it was impossible to take any pictures.

Kha-Chot-Palri Lake

We drove on towards the Khecheopalri village. Kha–Chot–Palri is estimated to be 3500 years old and means heaven of Guru Padmasambhava. It is believed to be a wish-fulfilling lake. The Lepchas, the main ethnic group of the village refer to is as “Sho Dzo Sho” Lake.

We got down at the main gate. There are some small shops around from where yo can grab some food. From here there is about a fifteen minutes walk through a lovely tropical forest. There is a Chorten along the way. Beside the path, on the rocky walls there are scattered Tibetan inscriptions. As we reached the lake I saw a small shrine where one can offer prayers. According to local folklore, the  leaves are not allowed to float on the lake. The birds in the vicinity, pick them up as soon as they drop on the lake surface. There is a jetty that leads to the front of the lake and from where prayers are offered. Prayer wheels are fixed along the jetty. The jetty was very crowded and we just stayed at the edge of the lake. Prayer flags are everywhere. After spending some time here we headed back to the hotel.

Back at the Hotel, they had some very interesting menu lined up for Lunch. I have already forgotten the names of the dishes, but they sounded very French.

Rabdentse Ruins

After taking some rest, we left the Hotel at around 4 p.m. From the hotel, it barely takes 10 minutes to reach the entrance to Rabdentse. The ruins lie hidden from the main road within a dense foliage of Oak trees. Rabdenste was once the seat of the power in Sikkim for more than a hundred years. Today, the ruins of this ex-capital of Sikkim are just a tourist attraction.

We got down at the ornamental yellow gate and walked along a narrow uphill path towards the once flourishing palace that used to be the abode of Sikkim monarchs. It’s a long walk but there are plaques along the path that kept us telling the distance renaming till the ruins. I assume, we walked around a kilometer to reach the palace ruins. Towards the end of the path, the beautiful forest slowly merges into the palace courtyard.

There was a sign that said we needed to buy tickets to enter, but there was no one at the counter, so we moved ahead. A few paces further, we saw the ‘Taphap Chorten‘ in semi ruined condition. Just beside it is a is a stone plaque with information on the history of Rabdentse. This was the entry point to the Palace and in historical times, visitors seeking access to the palace had to dismount from their horses here. The capital city was destroyed by the invading Gurkha army and only the ruins of the palace and the chortens can be seen here now.

The palace ruins are at the center of the courtyard. Next to the ruins of the palace are three Chortens. The members of the royal family used to offer prayers to the deities at these Chortens. Surprisingly, the chortens still are in a fair state of preservation. The Archaeological Survey of India has declared Rabdentse as a heritage monument and has undertaken the needed preservation and restoration measures.

Day 3

Transfer to Bagdogra

We had an early breakfast and started by 9 a.m. for Bagdogra. Our flight was at 5 p.m. and the Vishnu, the driver had informed us that it will take at-least six hours to reach. He also mentioned that due to construction on the road, there could be minor stoppages along the way too. Pelling to Bagdogra is not a popular route, so when I asked him, he told us that the last time he drove on this road was three years back. True to his sources, we had to stop for half an hour along a stretch where the hill was being cut to make the road wider. Big boulders were falling from above, some large enough to smash a car into a pancake. They stopped for a while. The road was cleared of the boulders by a crane and we were off.

It was a 3 hour rocky journey till we joined the NH31A highway.  The Teesta with its flowing green water kept me wide-eyed all the way. There were numerous times I wanted to stop and admire the bends and curves but we didn’t have the luxury of time. Once we crossed into West Bengal, the roads were a lot better. We saw some monkeys on the sides of the road. The tourists probably feed them and they were dangerously walking on the road where generally cars were traveling at 60-80 km/hr.

On the way we stopped for a break at the City Center Mall near the airport. It’s a huge mall almost similar in design to the City Center 2 in Kolkata. We grabbed some food there and then headed to the airport. On arrival to the airport as we were checking in, we were informed that the flight was delayed by 40 mins. We used that time to check out the airport shops. By 6 p.m., with some pleasant memories, we were on our way back to Kolkata.

What is the best time to visit Pelling?

PellingΒ is pleasant during December. In mid-December one can see the snow-covered Kanchenjunga mountains. It’s a sight to behold

Which are the important places to see in Pelling?

If you are visiting Pelling, you must also visit Namchi & Ravangla. The Buddha Park in Ravangla is a lovely place with a huge Buddha Statue.
Kanchenjunga WaterFall
Khecheopalri Lake
Orange Gardens

Our driver details

Vishnu was with us for the three days we were in Pelling.
His contact number is +91 9734 181 355
Disclaimer: I loved our travel with him, but I do not accept any responsibility for his actions if you use his services.

A Winters Tale – Gangtok

Our tour to Gangtok starts with us landing in Kolkata. Our plan was to first spend some time with my in-laws and then proceed to the misty mountains.

The next couple ofΒ days were a stringΒ of delectable meals and stories from yesteryear’s. My sis, who lives in Kolkata, also dropped in for a get together over lunch.

The days passed quickly and it was time for us to leave for Bagdogra. Early morning Spicejet informed us that the flight would be delayed by 3 hrs. In hindsight it should have started the alarm bells ringing since lately they had been cancelling a lot of flights. Even a few months back they had been one of the more dependable carriers in Indian skies.

As weΒ were about to get in the car for our ride to the airport, I discoveredΒ that the flight had been cancelled. Initially I thought maybe it could be an error as they had not informed me and probably we were moved to another flight. I tried calling the customer care but couldn’t get through to them. Left with no concrete information, we decided to go to the airport and take it from there.

Once we reached the airport, we were informed at the gate that our flight had indeed been cancelled. We went to the Spicejet counter and found a crowd had already gathered. Not only ours, we heard that all Spicejet flights had been grounded. Our Hotel booking etc. had already been done, so we were desperate. We immediately purchased tickets for the next afternoonΒ to Bagdogra from Indigo Airlines.

We came back the next day. Fortunately, this time everything was fine. Our return flight was also via Spicejet, but with my trust shattered, I decided not to take a chance and purchased a backup return ticket from Indigo.

The flight to Bagdogra from Kolkata is all of 55 mins. Midway through the flight we were blessed to see the mesmerizing KhangchendzongaΒ mountains in the horizon.

The Bagdogra airport is comparatively a lot smaller. We were alerted on the plane itself that photography is strictly prohibited in and around the airport. There was still daylight when we descended. Our travel arrangements for the transfer from the Airport to Gangtok was already done and the driver was waiting for us. The checkout process was quick and we wereΒ promptlyΒ on our way toΒ Gangtok.

Drive to Gangtok

It was earlyΒ evening as we started for Gangtok along the NH31A. The driver informed us that Β it would take around 4 hours to reach Gangtok. The NH31A highway runs parallel to the Teesta river almost allΒ the way to Gangtok. Though in its current state, theΒ river appearedΒ more of a stream. During my childhood days, I had numerous times heard about the raging Teesta and the destruction it used to cause during the monsoons. Over the years numerous dam constructions on the Teesta by China has converted the raging river into a whimpering stream. Maybe during monsoons it would be more aggressive.

Sunset happens quite early in the East. As twilight started to set in, the hamlets on the hillsΒ lit up. In the dark, momentarilyΒ I mistook the lights from houses up the hill to be stars. After 4 hours of chugging along rocky roads, we finally reached our hotel, Golden CrescentΒ at around 7 p.m.

Our rooms were ready and we were promptly checked in. TheΒ room was hugeΒ with fully wooded interiors and floors. The bed was inviting. The bathroom was neatΒ with runningΒ warm water. They had also provided us with a room heater though we didn’t need it much. Gangtok was pleasantly coolΒ all throughout our stay. The Wi-Fi was sketchy but good enough. They also provided us with an electronic safe on request. Overall our stay at The Golden Crescent was quite pleasant.

Day 1

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EncheyΒ Gompa

After a good nights rest we started the day with a visit to the nearby Enchey Monastery. This monastery was established in 1909 around a hamlet. Over the years this monastery has grown into an important religious center. According to a legend, Guru Padmasambhava had subdued the spirits of the Khangchendzonga, Yabdean and Mahākāla here.

The monastery isΒ locatedΒ on a ridge of a hill, northeast of Gangtok city, not more than 30 minutes away. On the way we passed Siniolchu Lodge. Siniolchu Lodge was one of the options we hadΒ lookedΒ into while deciding on the Hotel to stayΒ in Gangtok, but decided against it since this place is a little far away from the main town and phone/internet connectivity could have been a problem.

We got down at the entrance and walk towards the “Gompa.” The moment IΒ left the car and started along the narrow elevated path, IΒ could feel the serenity of the place. The pathway was lined with colorful prayer flags fluttering on oneΒ side. A few steps ahead they gave in to a line ofΒ  prayer wheels. The Enchey GompaΒ also serves as aΒ residence for monks.Β Like all other Nyingmapa monasteries in Sikkim, this monastery is under the jurisdiction of the Pemayangtse Monastery in Pelling. At the top the view is beautiful with the KhangchendzongaΒ range, looming towardsΒ the right of the monastery.

We were lucky to be there at the right time. Prayers were going on asΒ we entered the monastery. The ceiling was adorned with long hanging lamps. There isΒ a golden Buddha statue inside. A group of 12Β monks, some in their early teens were sitting at the tables,Β chanting. There wereΒ donation boxes in front of each monk. Mani donated some. We stood thereΒ forΒ some time, letting theΒ chants touch us spiritually.

The monastery grounds hasΒ another small building on the left of the Gompa. We went around the back looking at the windows of the monastery, strikingly designed and beautiful in colors. After some time we walked down and headed for Rumtek Monastery which wasΒ on another hill.

Rumtek Monastery

Rumtek Monastery is located about anΒ hour Β (23 kms) from Gangtok and is a goodΒ example of Tibetan architecture. Although the monastery was initiatedΒ in the mid 1700’s it really came into prominence in 1966 when the 16th Karmapa officially inaugurated the new seat, called “The Dharmachakra Centre.”Β This monastery also belongs to the Nyingma order and operatesΒ under the jurisdiction of the Pemayangtse Monastery.

The gates are guardedΒ by Indian Army and one needs to display ID cards toΒ enter. We had to walk for about 10 mins on an elevated path to reach the monastery. The monastery is perched on a hill overlooking the KhangchendzongaΒ range. There areΒ a number ofΒ small roadside shops all along the path,Β selling Tibetan souvenirs.

The entrance to the monastery leads to a big open area. The main hall is surrounded by corridors on all sides. The left and right corridors also have rooms for the residing monks. Unfortunately, inside the main hall, everything was covered with sheets. Gautama Buddha’s statue at the back was visible but everything elseΒ surrounding it wasΒ covered. We later discovered that there was going to be a festival in a couple of days and they were preparing for it.

There was not much to see inside the main hall, so we came out. We were allowed to climb up on the terrace of the side corridors. We sat there for a while looking at the Khangchendzonga. One of the younger monks who was a bit curious asked me if what I was carrying was a camera. From what broken Hindi he spoke I could understand how cut off from the real world they remain.

On our way back we stopped at a few shops and got some really fine souvenirs. I bought a couple of prayer wheels for gifting away. Mani boughtΒ a turquoise pendant with the Buddhist chant “Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum” engraved on it. Walkig back I took a few pictures of the KhangchendzongaΒ . We then headed back towards the city.

Do-Drul Chorten

Back in the city, we headed to Do-Drul Chorten.Β The Do-Drul ChortenΒ was built in 1945 on a hillock andΒ is surrounded by 108 Mani Lhakor or prayer wheels. It is considered to be one of the biggest stupas in Gangtok. We went all around the Chorten, turning all the prayer wheels in clockwise direction. Beside the ChortenΒ is a school for little monks. The Chorten also has a residence buidling nearby for residing monks.

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology

Namgyal Institute of Tibetology is a Tibetan museum just beside the Do-Drul Chorten. The Museum keeps a lot of Tibetan artifactsΒ but itΒ closes quite early at 4 p.m so we had to hurry. The museum showcases rareΒ ritualistic tankhas, brass bells, chortens, rosariesΒ &Β dorjis. Looking at the artifacts inside, one can easily inferΒ that Guru Padmasambhava is very popular around these parts.Β There were around 12 idols of him alone in different avatars. Photography is not allowed inside. The idols and the artifacts were so beautiful, Β I was almost tempted to bribe the guard.

There is a small book store just outside the Museum. Mani got herself an interesting book on the folk tales of Lepchas, the original inhabitants of Sikkim.

The Winter Carnival on MG Marg

It was evening and the driver dropped us off at MG Marg. It’s the most happening place in Gangtok. At the time of our visit they had a Winter Carnival going on. Youngsters had gathered on the street. Booths selling selling T-shirts, toys and food were everywhere. There was a DJ playing from an open air flat on the first floor facing the road. We lookedΒ around for some souvenir shops. Mani was interested inΒ buying a Baku, the traditional dress of Sikkim. There are not many shops that sell the Baku. Eventually, towards the end of the long street, we were lucky to find one. SheΒ bought a gorgeous red Baku with dragon embroidery from there.

As we walked back, we passed the Tourist Center office. From hereΒ tourists can avail permits for visiting areas maintained by the Indian Army. After all the walking we wereΒ famished. Right opposite to the DJΒ show, was a multi-cuisine restaurant call the “Orient.” We decided to haveΒ dinner there. The food was okay. After dinner we walked back to the Hotel. The Hotel is some 20 minutes away from MG Marg, and Google’s Maps easily guided us back to the Hotel.

Day 2

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Changu Lake

Initially we had planned to head for Lachen on day 2, but a combination of heavy snowing and bad roads meant that we could not obtainΒ permission, so we optedΒ to visit Changu Lake instead.

Changu Lake is just about 40 kilometres away from Gangtok, but bad roads stretchΒ the journey to around a couple of hours. There is an Army checkpoint in Gangtok thatΒ one has to pass it before 10 a.m or you wont be allowed to go to Changu. The drive to Changu Lake is amazing barring some stretch of under constructionΒ roads. As we went up, there is a view-point from where we could see the winding roads leading up to the lake. On the horizon, as far as our eyes could see, there was no end to the misty mountain ranges.

We started to see snow midway on the route. Some might find it surprising but it was theΒ first time I had seen snow in my life outside of the refrigerator. So, let me cross that one off my bucket list.Β We passed a plaqueΒ that announced that we were at 12,400 ft above sea level. The Changu lake is associated with many myths and legends and is revered by the Sikkimese as sacred. When we finally arrived at the parking area, I could not fathom that there would be so many tourists there on a weekday and in an off-season.

As we got down, I could see someΒ Yaks near the parking area. Even though Yaks are not indigenous to this area, some locals bring them here from the North for providing joy rides to visitors. The lake looked gorgeous, but the touristsΒ were loud and jeering on the banks. We decided to go the other way where it was more peaceful. In my opinion, such beauty shouldΒ be enjoyed in peace.

So we went along the road towards the other end of the lake. Finally, we were alone and enjoying the breathtaking view of the lake. There isΒ so much peace out here. In fact this was the better view of the lake.Β I made a snow cone and ate it. Let’s cross that one off too from my bucket list πŸ™‚ We found a big rock by the lake and sat thereΒ in silence, bathing in the soft sun. Two hours went by like nothing.

The sky looked like a canvas, the clouds,Β painted withΒ soft brush strokes. The lake was soΒ blue, words fail toΒ describe. The mountains around the lake appeared to be waiting for the next snowfall so they could cover themselves and go to sleep. It felt like one of those place they describe in moth-ridden mythological books about where Gods used to live.

By the time we started our way back, we were a bit hungry. The driver took us toΒ a relative who had a local eatery/souvenir shop. We both had a “Cuppa Maggie.” Mani found a sweet pup to cuddleΒ andΒ I bought a few souvenirs.

MG Marg

After a thrilling ride back from the misty mountains we asked the driver to drop us off at MG Marg. Mani was lustingΒ for another BakuΒ so we we went around the other side of the Market searching for more shops, but couldn’t find any that sold traditional dresses.

After a couple of hours we gave up and went back to the same shop we had been to the day before. After some insistence, the owner brought out some from his hidden stack, he hadn’t shown us previously. Mani instantly fell in love withΒ a lovelyΒ purple one. We also saw some others but none as graceful as the purple one. By 8 p.m. we were tired and we started looking for a place to eat.

There are quite a few eateries on MG Marg. As we walked down MG Marg, searching, we saw a restaurant on the first floor called the Golden Dragon. Its a nice place, although the food takes a lot of time to arrive.Β The jointΒ had a Karaoke going on so that kept us entertained as we waited for the food.Β In between the singing, a couple of locals joined in for a dance. It was fun!

Day 3

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Hanuman Tok

We woke up to another beautiful morning. The driver told us that the even three days back the cityΒ was so shroudedΒ in mist that nothing was visible, but today the Khangchendzonga was so clear,Β like a post card.

Hanuman Tok is a beautiful temple an hours drive away from central Gangtok. We followed the same path as the one we took to go to Changu Lake, but right at Army checkpoint, we turned left. Hanuman TokΒ is also managed by a division of the Indian Army and is very neat and clean unlike most temples in India.

Legend has it that Hanuman stopped here for restΒ while carrying Sanjeevani for injured Laksman, as told in Ramayana. At the base of the temple is a big red, single stone carved statue of Hanuman. We climbed a few stairs to reach the main temple. The temple is situated on the top of the hill with the Kanchenjunga range in the back.

Gangtok is anΒ impressive mixture of culture and history. There are as many monasteries as there are temples.Β The main temple at the top containsΒ the idols of Sita, Rama and Laksman. There is also a small round room with wall statues of incidents depicted from the Ramayana. Above the room is a round verandaΒ from where one can view the fullΒ Kanchenjunga range.

Ganesh Tok

Ganesh Tok is a temple dedicated toΒ Ganesha not far from the Hanuman Tok. The temple itself is just a regular one otherwise and not as enchantingΒ as the Hanuman Tok. However there is a small bazaar at the base of this temple. We bought some niceΒ Ganesh keychainsΒ at the base of the temple. One can also rentΒ theΒ local Sikkim dresses here for taking pictures.

Himalayan Zoological Gardens

After enjoying some excellent scenery, we started towards the Himalayan Zoological Gardens. Our driverΒ informed us that its not a very popular place with tourists, but we couldn’t miss not seeingΒ the Red Panda. The Red Panda is such a cute and lovely, we would regret it if we came all this way and didn’t see one.

The park isΒ a huge area and cars are allowed inside for a fee. Our first stop was at the Asiatic Black Bear enclosure. Unfortunately we didn’t seeΒ any bears.Β We were a bit late and probably theΒ animals were getting ready for their afternoon nap. A few feetΒ ahead was the enclosure of Blue Sheep.

The Blue SheepΒ also known as BharalΒ , is a high mountain sheep that is the primary prey of Snow Leopards.Β  Their coat colors camouflageΒ better against the Himalayan rocksΒ andΒ they will often freezeΒ if they sense danger,Β as they are hard to spot when immobile.

After these two enclosures, we had to get down and walk. The first enclosure we saw was of the Leopard. Although the information board stated it was the Clouded Leopard, I have some doubts that it might be the Common Leopard. He was also taking a nap, but he got up for a few seconds to greet us. and then went back to his nap.

We moved ahead towards the next enclosure. It was the Red Panda and we were very much excited. The enclosure was a huge one, but there was only one Red Panda. The cuddly little red guy with a bushy tail was enjoying some rare sun. With such a huge area, the authorities could well add some more. I am pretty sure lots of animal lovers would love to visit to see this lovely guy. We stayed here for some timeΒ watching asΒ the Panda would go inside its small home and come out at intervals.

After taking some picturesΒ we trudged up the hill towards the enclosure of the Leopard Cat. It was the size of a house cat and also looked like one. Just beyond its cage was the enclosure of the Snow Leopard. Mani spotted it as it lay sleeping camouflaged in the dry grass. As we were discussing it, another group arrived with a local guide. To our shock, they suddenly started making weirdΒ sounds and started pelting stones towards the sleeping Leopard. We thought they would stop but when they continued, Mani took out her phone and started filming them. When they realized they were being caught on the camera they finally stopped and sheepishlyΒ slipped away.

There was another enclosureΒ towards the end of the park with the Tibetan Wolf, but we didn’t see any. We walkedΒ back slowly towards the entrance. Beside the entrance, a couple of feet down a stone staircase is a small bird sanctuary. But the cages were so thick, it was hard to enjoy the colorful birds.

[su_icon icon=”icon: info” background=”#f20000″ color=”#ffffff” text_color=”#4a4a4a” size=”14″ shape_size=”10″ radius=”4″ text_size=”18″ ]The Park stays closed on Thursdays[/su_icon]

Tibetan Restaurant

After the fun at the Zoological Park, we headed back to the city. One the way there was a handicrafts emporium, we stopped there, but unfortunately they were already packing up. It was odd toΒ us that shops in Gangtok close very early around 4 p.m. We went ahead towards MG Marg. One the way Mani had noticed a Tibetan shop, so we releasedΒ the car for the day and went inside. They had some lovely embroidered T-shirts. We eachΒ bought t-shirtsΒ with “Sikkim” embroidered. Mani also bought some souvenirs for gifting to others. Just beside the shop was a Tibetan Hotel. We hadn’t had lunch so we decided to dive intoΒ some authentic Tibetan food. The restaurant has a nice ambiance. When we travel, we love to check out theΒ local delicacies.Β I orderedΒ the ChickenΒ Thenthuk and loved it. While dining we recalled the deliciousΒ Tibetan food we had at the Potala restaurant in Bylakuppe when we had visited Coorg.

After the lunch, we again walked back to our Hotel. We spent rest of the day relaxing and going over the pictures of the lovely places we had been over the last few days.

Day 4

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DriveΒ to Pelling

I woke up early at 4 a.m. My plan was to go to the Tashi View Point to get a glimpse of the blazing golden Kanchenjunga range during sunrise.Β However as I glanced outside the window, it was too gloomy and foggyΒ to see anything beyond a few meters. So I dropped the plan and went back to sleep.

We had already packed our stuff last night. So I ran a quick check for clothes and stuffs and we were ready to leave for Pelling.

Drive to Pelling

[su_tab title=”Faqs”] [su_accordion]
[su_spoiler title=”What is the best time to visit Gangtok?”] Gangtok is pleasant during summers. But winters are not very cold. If you are interested in snow, you must come in mid- December The weather is cool and the skies are so blue. Summer would be a better time if you have plans to visit north Sikkim. In winter months getting permits to North Sikkim become difficult[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Are there other similar places around Gangtok?”] If you are visiting Gangtok, you must also visit Pelling in West Sikkim[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”How much time does it take for a tour in Gangtok?”] Sightseeing in Gangtok can be easily covered in 3 days. However one should also visit some nearby cities like Pelling and Yumthang. [/su_spoiler]

[su_tab title=”Places to see in Gangtok”] Gangtok is a small city with varied cultural interests:

[su_list icon=”icon: chevron-right”]

  • Changu Lake
  • Enchey monastery
  • Rumtek Monastery
  • Hanuman Tok
